

The Future West African
Upwelling System



Engagement phase
During this preparatory phase, the program and the field study at its heart will be co-designed in an engagement process with stakeholders in West Africa. Natural and social sciences will be involved from the start in an attempt to follow a more holistic approach which allows transfer of knowledge gained into management practice. Research consortia are built at national and international levels. Project and campaign planning will be carried out in a concerted way leading to both joint and individual funding and ship-time requests among participating parties. This process will be coordinated and led by GEOMAR.

Co-design FUTURO with us in the next years aligning the scientific and infrastructure processes for synchronous multidisciplinary observation during FUTUROcore in 2027-2029!



Concerted field campaign
During this core phase, the large year-long FUTURO Field Study will be carried out as the central activity.
Several research vessels are expected to operate during the campaign in the larger West African EBUS region executing a sequence of coordinated and concerted multidisciplinary surveys and experiments supplemented by a large number of autonomous and voluntary observing instruments and regional research capabilities. The planned combination of field work, remote sensing from space and aerial platforms as well as near real time modeling will provide an unprecedented large data set and new insights. The scientific ambition as well as the exchange of new knowledge with regional partners will be co-designed with experts from the West African region. 



Syntheses Phase - Outcomes & Impact
There is an urgent need to generate the necessary sociocultural and politico-economic knowledge and to transfer it into application together with the responsible actors. Knowledge-based, sustainable and fair management must also meet ethical, cultural and economic requirements and develop suitable political and economic steering instruments at various levels. The process of knowledge production must therefore be developed from the outset in co-creation with stakeholders and the users of knowledge in an inter- and transnational context.
FUTURO aims at
● Innovative digital decision-making tools for management optimization (West African Digital Twin of the Ocean)
● Contribute to design and implementation of a West African Ocean Observing System as an infrastructure to support sustainable management
● Detailed policy advice for sustainable ecosystem management measures
● Established network of well-educated and internationally connected West African young investigators and future decision makers to sustain the legacy of FUTURO
● Established marine M.Sc. and PhD graduation programs in West Africa co-funded by international organizations.
● Support the development of a regional Centre of excellence for sustainable and trans-disciplinary ecosystem management and blue economy 

Steps FUTUROpre:
Engagement and preparation phase

The FUTUROpre phase has started: co-design with us FUTURO in the next years 2024-2026 aligning the scientific and infrastructure processes for synchronous multidisciplinary observation during FUTUROcore in 2027-2029 off West Africa.
Interested in FUTURO? 
write us an Email to:



In various multidisciplinary scientific working groups knowledge gaps of the function of the Eastern boundary upwelling system West off Africa are identified and research questions developed. 


FUTURO-campaign planning

Co-design workshops are taking place and funding proposals for conducting the field campaign are developed (including proposal for ship times). Concept for data infrastructure is developed. Pre-studies start.


Field campaign preparation

Infrastructure for concerted ocean observation is set.

The FUTUROpre phase has started: co-design with us FUTURO in the next years aligning the scientific and infrastructure processes for synchronous multidisciplinary observation during FUTUROcore in 2027-2029 off West Africa.
Interested in FUTURO 
write us an Email to:

if you only want to be registered for a mailing list, just add "mailing list FUTURO"

Want to keep updated or want to get in touch?

You can reach us via email at:

FUTURO is coordinated by GEOMAR Helmholtz centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany.


Download FUTURO info sheet  


Wischhofstr. 1-3
24148 Kiel, Germany


Phone: +49 (0) 431 600 1952

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